HOW TO MATCH HWAMEY OR WAMBI Hwamei or famous in Indonesia as wambi was once a mandatory bird in every singing bird competition event in the 1990s, until the early 2000s, but since the emergence of the avian influenza outbreak or SARS (acute respiratory system syndrome) in early 2003, from the issue the government began to close and stop the import of birds from China, resulting in an empty supply in the bird market from which hwamei birds began to rise and become a conversation among chirping friends, The import tap began to be opened but not like before with restrictions on the amount that could be imported and there was no certainty of its arrival, rather than us waiting with no certainty just opening the views of chirping friends to start trying to breed hwamei with hwamei that have been bought and kept at home with the thought of being able to meet the needs in Indonesia as well as seeing a decent price now can be a special attraction besides the chirping. To meet the ...