
Showing posts from March, 2023


 HOW TO MATCH HWAMEY OR WAMBI   Hwamei or famous in Indonesia as wambi was once a mandatory bird in every singing bird competition event in the 1990s, until the early 2000s, but since the emergence of the avian influenza outbreak or SARS (acute respiratory system syndrome) in early 2003, from the issue the government began to close and stop the import of birds from China, resulting in an empty supply in the bird market from which hwamei birds began to rise and become a conversation among chirping friends, The import tap began to be opened but not like before with restrictions on the amount that could be imported and there was no certainty of its arrival, rather than us waiting with no certainty just opening the views of chirping friends to start trying to breed hwamei with hwamei that have been bought and kept at home with the thought of being able to meet the needs in Indonesia as well as seeing a decent price now can be a special attraction besides the chirping. To meet the ...


 Scientific Name of Hwamei The first thing you can do to differentiate Chinese and Taiwanese hwamei is to find out their scientific names. These two birds although at first glance look the same in their physical form but it turns out that their scientific names are different. 1.For Chinese hwamei birds have the scientific name Garullax Cannorus, besides that Chinese hwamei are also known as chinesse Hwamei and also Melodius Lughingthrush. 2.While the hwamei bird from Taiwan is scientifically called Garullax Taewanus, while the taiwan hwamei is also known by another name, Leucodioptron Taewanum. i. Note the Eye Area This is the most striking and clearly visible morphological difference between Chinese hwamei and Taiwanese hwamei. 1.Chinese hwamei birds have a strip in the eye that resembles an eyebrow. The strip is white in color and its position is circular in the eye and extends backwards. This is why the bird is called hwamei. Why is that? Because the word hwamei is taken from th...

How to Distinguish Male and Female Hongkong Poksay

 A little about how to distinguish male and female Hongkong poksay based on the sound of male poksai more variations than female poksai based on observations of female Hongkong poksay only chirping monotonously without any variation of female chirping only answers or looks for male existence like a prenjak. Male poksay is the target of chirping friends because there are more male variations and the volume of male poksay is almost the same as the Borneo rowo cucak, when chirping friends want to buy male poksay then chirping friends should know a little about the characteristics of male and female poksay, from this article can be for a little provision before chirping friends buy poksay in the market, a little explanation related to differences in male and female hongkong poksay birds as follows: A. seen from the size or posture of the Hong Kong poksay body Distinguished from the posture of the male and female Hongkong poksay is already visible, the male Hongkong poksay has a larger ...