Scientific Name of Hwamei

The first thing you can do to differentiate Chinese and Taiwanese hwamei is to find out their scientific names. These two birds although at first glance look the same in their physical form but it turns out that their scientific names are different.

1.For Chinese hwamei birds have the scientific name Garullax Cannorus, besides that Chinese hwamei are also known as chinesse Hwamei and also Melodius Lughingthrush.

2.While the hwamei bird from Taiwan is scientifically called Garullax Taewanus, while the taiwan hwamei is also known by another name, Leucodioptron Taewanum.

i. Note the Eye Area

This is the most striking and clearly visible morphological difference between Chinese hwamei and Taiwanese hwamei.

1.Chinese hwamei birds have a strip in the eye that resembles an eyebrow. The strip is white in color and its position is circular in the eye and extends backwards. This is why the bird is called hwamei. Why is that? Because the word hwamei is taken from the Chinese "hua-mei" which means painted eyebrows.

2.While in Taiwanese hwamei you will not find this feature. Therefore, the white strip that resembles this eyebrow is the difference between Chinese and Taiwanese hwamei that is the most striking and most visible. That's one way you can tell the difference between Taiwanese and Chinese hwamei. 

ii.Note the Feather Color

In addition to the white strip in the eyes of Chinese hwamei which is the most striking difference, how to distinguish Chinese and Taiwanese hwamei can also be seen by looking at the color of the feathers, if observed carefully you will get different feather colors between these two birds.

1.In Chinese hwamei feathers appear to have a color like rust color. This means that the color is reddish brown. In addition, the color of feathers on Chinese hwamei tends to be brighter than Taiwanese hwamei.

2.While Taiwanese hwamei birds you will find gray-brown feathers. In addition, Taiwanese hwamei also appear to have dark lines on the nape and crown as a whole.

iii.Observe the Body Size

The next way to distinguish between Chinese and Taiwanese hwamei is by observing their body size. Actually, there is no significant difference in body size between these two birds so it is a little difficult to distinguish these two birds by observing body size. Hwamei birds from both China and Taiwan generally have a body size of around 20 to 25 centimeters in length, but Chinese hwamei generally appear stockier and fuller when compared to Taiwanese hwamei.

iv.Note the Shape of the Beak

Maybe how to distinguish Chinese and Taiwanese hwamei from the shape of the beak is quite difficult, this is because the shape of the beak between these two birds looks exactly the same, because Chinese and Taiwanese hwamei birds have a very strong fighter character. So he uses his beak to fight

1. Chinese hwamei birds that are still wild and live in the open have a bent beak shape.

2.While in Taiwanese hwamei birds also have a fighter character but are not as strong as Chinese hwamei birds. So the shape of the Taiwanese hwamei's beak does not appear crooked.

v. Listen to the Chirping Sound

Actually the chirping sounds of these two birds are similar, but if listened to more carefully there are differences in the sound of the ngerol. Chinese hwamei birds have longer, melodious and varied ngerol sounds when compared to Taiwanese hwamei birds.

Thus a little understanding of the differences between Chinese and Taiwanese wambi / hwamei birds may help fellow bird lovers, if you are not sure about this article you can be more sure by doing a DNA test with an accuracy of 99% of friends who can be taken from blood or feathers, DNA stands for Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid which of course can distinguish the two types of birds with information from the lab.

Hope this article helps


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